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Most of us realize without a doubt that positivity is attractive. But have you consciously evaluated your level of happiness and optimism? You might be surprised at just how much it may be affecting the outcome of your presentations, speeches or sales conversations!

I was eating up some statistics on this today, and loving that science now reinforces what we have seen working in society with great leaders for centuries.

Here’s some food for thought from the Institute of Applied Positive Research:

  • When we are happier, we are more productive. Our brains produce more dopamine and we increase our mental acuity.
  • We access our creativity more easily. Imagine if you doing a live presentation, creative thinking comes in handy when things don’t go quite “as planned” (ex: no projector, microphone problems, etc)! Creative thinking can save the day by utilizing unusual circumstances. Heck, you might even be more memorable!
  • Optimistic sales people outsell their neutral-minded counterparts by 37%. Not hard to understand, but how optimistic are you or people on your team when they meet prospective clients or partners?
  • Positive minded people are less affected by stress. Stressful events occur for everyone, but those with an optimistic attitude “get over” the physical effects faster. Biggest “stress” for some presenters is what we call, “stage fright” or performance anxiety.

We literally broadcast our outlook on life before we even open our mouths!   It shows in our expression, eye contact and posture. From the moment we walk to the stage to speak, or form our first words in our video, we have “set the stage” for the audience.

Start with your body language broadcast and carry into words of affirmation. Beginning your speech with what is possible may immediately create deeper engagement with your audience and creates an environment where retention is higher. It is easier to lead when your audience is meeting you in a positive emotional level.

Of course, it is heaps easier to exude positive vibes when you feel exceptionally optimistic yourself. So how can you raise your level of positivity and happiness on a daily basis?

It takes practice. It takes a conscious effort to recognize the good but it need not be difficult! A practice as simple as writing a daily gratitude list can get your brain focuses on the positive things in your environment!

Realize that stress is temporary. If you are faced with a stressful situation, instead of settling in to a pity party, or anger fest, list out why or how that situation can be diffused. (No time to write that blog? You may have a guest blogger eager to help out, You could shoot a quick video instead, or you might just stay up an hour later, but the situation is temporary).

It takes sharing. You will feel happier when you share happiness and positive words.

By simply smiling more (even at strangers you pass in a hallway!) and saying hello can lift you up as well as the other person! Compound this effect by adding in a compliment!