This past season I was a bit quiet.

It seemed there was a lot of tragedy this past holiday season, the most joyous time of the year, and my personal favorite season.

We were not exempt here at the ranch, losing our precious 10 year old German Shepherd suddenly.

We know those that lost not only pets, but family members, even children. The news seemed to echo this as well, with celebrities like Carrie Fisher and her mom, Debbie Reynolds dying the very next day. There are a lot of hurting people after this past season.

I took the time to process our loss and to contemplate what I could personally do better in the New Year.  What could I appreciate more? One thing (and I’ll be blogging about a lot more…) is to honor the present moment.

Honor the present moment.

I know I’ve been saying this and encouraging y’all to do this, but I’m stepping it up in 2017. Because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, right?

And be grateful. Start each day with gratitude and that even means for the people in your life that maybe you don’t always get along with (it was the holidays after all … I know how that can be ). Look for my new FB Lives and blogs and please leave a comment here or on the Youtube video.

What happened in your holiday season? And how might you be more in the moments in 2017? Talk to me!