I headed out on the trail this weekend from a new campsite….
Taking Tala, my long -haired German Shepherd Dog with me….  There were miles of trails, but I chose  an easy choice the close 15 minute loop… it was sunny and a pleasant 80 degrees so..  I left the water in the RV…
We were just taking the 15-minute loop.

The trails were unmarked. It was nearly two hours since we left the RV. I had and backtracked twice to the river to let Tala get water and cool off worried abut the effects of the heat.  The time was high noon, so the sun was of no valuable reference for direction.  I was concerned and surprised that I had no idea how to get us back to camp.

I was talking with a brilliant entrepreneur this week…
He is working on his story.  He’s writing a book and speaking.
The thing is, even though he knows his story could serve others, he  feels fearful of his emotional reaction to some of the serious trauma he has survived in his past. He was stuck, and was unsure of how to get to where he needed to be, safely.

Remember my concern about getting back to safety on the trail?
I decided to phone a friend…
my hubby..
(That’s what he needed as he was busy at work.. a call from his wife lost in the woods…;)

He suggested satellite view on my phone..  back to the RV in 20 minutes!

Here’s the thing:
I get it… Making your mess your message may not feel easy at first. I’ve been there.
If you know your story of overcoming has value,
here’s what worked initially for me:

A “satellite” view. 10,000 foot view:
Look at a traumatic event as though it was a timeline, write it out as such..   draw it so you have a visual reference.
It’s as if you’re  watching a movie of yourself… … from way above.  Removed.
This way you can speak of it, without having your emotions derail you.
From here you can fine tune it…
And speak it, write it, share it so that you can help others.
Your mess becomes a powerful message  that can help others.
Isn’t that why we are here?

I’m here to help with this process,
Sandra Dee