How to Begin Making Your Mess Your Message!
I headed out on the trail this weekend from a new campsite…. Taking Tala, my long -haired German Shepherd Dog with me…. There were miles of trails, but I chose an easy choice the [...]
I headed out on the trail this weekend from a new campsite…. Taking Tala, my long -haired German Shepherd Dog with me…. There were miles of trails, but I chose an easy choice the [...]
In a small coastal town in Brazil, called LagunaDozens of men stand in the shallow water with nets.Just standing.It looks odd!But there is a partnership here that has been active for generations;The fishermenare waiting for [...]
How can we fight the effects of environmental stress? for Californians this week, That is defined literally, as the ground under their feet gave way in mudslides and earthquakes. The rest of us have [...]
Are you thinking from the shoulders up? Our brain sits up there, so that seems perfectly normal to answer, “Of course, yes.” However, You may be short-circuiting the power of the mind! I watched [...]
“I am the least qualified to do this, truly,” she shyly said. The woman sitting across from me has a big dream. The non-profit she is starting will help hundreds and eventually, thousands Of [...]
When I hosted a product on QVC I learned what they looked for as indicators of future success for a product on their shows (Note: At the time, they were selling, on average, 1 [...]
Have you ever noticed how quickly folks in line, at the airport, the grocery store or the coffee shop revert to their phones? In less than a few seconds nearly everyone has the phone [...]
It’s a humbling reality that It is often our perception of a situation, our interpretation, That increases our level of anxiety about it Good news; There are easy things we can do to change [...]
Years ago, for a short time, I moonlighted in my acting career and Tried a hand at Casting actors for commercials. HUGE perspective shift! I witnessed the impact of the “It” factor: You know, That [...]