Be Fearless With Live Video
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Sandra Dee Robinson

IN this training webinar with Sandra Dee she will reveal secrets to live video mastery...From FB LIVEs to Webinars, to Insta videos, even live streaming a virtual event.
If you've been hesitant to embrace live video as a significant part of your marketing plan, then this is PERFECT for you!
Sandra Dee Robinson
Television actress, speaker, author, TV/Radio Host, communication and business coach.
Sandra Dee assists business owners to increase sales and revenue by helping them confidently share the message of their brand through speaking, video, television and any high risk presentation.
What it takes to LOOK good on camera (lighting and framing tips you MUST use!)
What it takes to FEEL good (no more negative self talk... we conquer the inner critic!)
What it takes to connect emotionally with your audience (move them to ACTION)

How to snag your viewers attention in seconds and why!


Tips on the length and content of your videos....
